Monday, January 28, 2008

midterms..conventions..and..nap time

*sigh* midterms have been over for about two weeks now but im just writing about it now, talk about procrastinating(^_^). Well, midterms will be midterms, with the occasional sleepless-nights-just-to-cram-all-lessons-because-i-procrastinated-these-past-few-days, failures and depressions *sigh*, but then again, as they say, "naa pay finals!" T_T But im very thankful that i had something to look forward to, The QITC convention.

The QITC convention last january 25-27 was a really great memory that's etched in my mind, a memory that will never be forgotten and will always be cherished. From our departure from our meeting place, to the arrival at the hotel and convention proper was an adventure that i will always laugh at. Our theme song for this convention(for us cdotaku people that is)was "i've got a feeling" by the beatles from the anime beck, LOL if you're one of the 9 people i've been with through the convention you'll understand..LOL *wink* *wink* and i have to say, that the room that we had,i stayed out so i don't think i should be using the word "we" at this statement but what the hell, was the coolest of all rooms, *ahem* let me describe it for you then, we had a PS2, 2 laptops, and 2 PSPs, it was like a vacation rather than a convention, LOL and because of these gadgets we had to go back and forth from the hotel to some individuals houses just to get them, it was a fun "road trip" even if there were 8 of us riding in one car.

The speakers for the convention was really fascinating, but my favorite speakers were the google girl, the open source lady and the wireless guy, sorry i'm to lazy to type^_^). The only thing that i wasn't satisfied of was the FOOD, this hotel had a certain kind of talent to make warm food cold and cold food warm, i mean what the hell, the entire room was already very cold, would it kill them to serve warm food? The menu was lunch = fish&fried chicken w/ ice tea, dinner = fish&fried chicken w/ ice tea and breakfast = fish&tapa&egss, yes! finally no more chi- wait..eggs..hmmm...eggs..comes from chicken too..nuuuuuuu~

All in all, this past two weeks was a mix of depression, tear, laughter and joy, *sigh* things that are enough to make people crazy.

I was supposed to be sleeping by now, but why the hell am i writing here *sigh*..

Congratulations to C.U(pinku and chikku) for winning the programming competition!!!