Gintama (銀魂, Gintama, literally "Silver Soul") is a comedic manga created by Hideaki Sorachi. The original manga began in April 2004 and is currently being published by Shueisha under Weekly Shonen Jump. The manga has sold over 20 million copies in Japan. In March 2007, Shueisha announced that sales of the first volume had passed one million copies.
The manga has been licensed by VIZ Media in North America under the Shonen Jump label, under the title "Gin Tama". It debuted in the January 2007 issue, and was serialized at a rate of one chapter a month (as opposed to the two or three chapters of the other serialized manga). The magazine serialized the entire first volume, and currently releases the other volumes bimonthly under the Shonen Jump Advance imprint; it is rated for "T+" for "Older Teen" (ages 16+).
The story takes place in Edo (known today as Tokyo because of the name change in 1868), Japan, which has been taken over by aliens called Amanto since the late Edo period. The samurai of Japan have fallen, and the Amanto placed a ban on carrying swords in public. The story focuses on an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata, his (partial) apprentice Shinpachi Shimura, and a teenage alien girl: Kagura. All three are "free-lancers" who search for work in order to pay the monthly rent, which usually goes unpaid anyway.
What the hell is that video?
The video if from episode 100 of gintama, as you can see its a parody of dragonball z. If you haven't watched or heard of dragonball...ever, then i don't recommend you to continue to watch the video, you'll just be confused and disappointed. I just want to share this really cool video, with everyone, its from the episode its not fan made, its REALL. Hope, it makes you laugh to the point where you get interested and might want to watch this anime.
hmm... cool-ness! (^_____^)
but if it has already at least a hundred episodes then i might have problems trying to watch this one. i can't possibly start to download from episode 1... I'm just too lazy! XD
But maybe if I can get/borrow a copy then I'd like to try it out. Sankyu for the recommendation! (^o^)v
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