Saturday, June 19, 2010

Testing Google Chrome Blog This Extension


I'm actually simply just testing google chrome blog this extensions to see what it can do.

I'm a huge fan of the TGWTG so I decided to try it out with his Nostalgia Critic Full House review which is by the way awesome. : )

Full House


Lol! So, I tested the Blog This Extension and was disappointed to find the the only thing that this extension can do is to simply create a link and direct you to your Blogger account.

Yeah that's pretty much it.

Although this may be pretty awesome for some I think I simply expected too much I guess.

What did I expect? Well, to tell you seriously a little picture about the website that you're trying to blog or at least a few text about it would be nice but maybe that's just me being lazy.

So, there you go! I'm started out as excited as hell and ended up disappointed.