Monday, December 14, 2009


*sigh* After a loooooong time of absence I decided that I'll give blogging another chance, why? you ask? because I'm bored and I can't find anything else better to do. I'm hungry and I can't think of anything to write (heck! I can't even think properly I wrote "hard" as "heard" three times already..thank the heavens for spell check) about except my longing to get my hands on pizza, hamburgers, french fries and chicken's skin *drool* Oh yeah! After almost a year of planning to change my blog and plurk theme I finally did it *cue fireworks* but both are still incomplete *boooo!!!* *sigh* I got annoyed with CSS(its one those things that hates me) so I have no idea when I'm going to finish the themes that I started.

I'm having a hard time staring at the computer doing nothing, so if you guys could give me something productive to do with the computer, it would be greatly appreciated. *bow*